©2001, TopicMaps.Org. All Rights Reserved.
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Disclaimer of Warranty.
This specification provides a model and grammar for representing the structure of information resources used to define topics, and the associations (relationships) between topics. Names, resources, and relationships are said to be characteristics of abstract subjects, which are called topics. Topics have their characteristics within scopes: i.e. the limited contexts within which the names and resources are regarded as their name, resource, and relationship characteristics. One or more interrelated documents employing this grammar is called a “topic map.”
TopicMaps.Org is an independent consortium of parties developing the applicability of the topic map paradigm [ISO13250] to the World Wide Web by leveraging the XML family of specifications.
This specification describes version 1.0 of XML Topic Maps (XTM) 1.0 [XTM], an abstract model and XML grammar for interchanging Web-based topic maps, written by the members of the TopicMaps.Org Authoring Group. More information on XTM and TopicMaps.Org is available at
All versions of the XTM Specification are permanently licensed to the public, as provided by the Charter of TopicMaps.Org.
(This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. For the latest version, refer always to the URL given above.)
This document has been reviewed by the TopicMaps.Org Authoring Group and other interested parties and has been endorsed by the Authoring Group as a TopicMaps.Org Specification. It is a stable document and may be used as reference material or cited as a normative reference from another document.
The English version of this specification is the only normative version. However, translation of this document into other languages is actively encouraged by TopicMaps.Org.
An errata list for this Specification will be maintained at
Please report errors in this document to
XML Topic Maps (XTM) is a product of the TopicMaps.Org Authoring Group (AG), formed in 2000 by an independent consortium named TopicMaps.Org, originally chaired by Michel Biezunski and Steven R. Newcomb, and chaired at the date of delivery of this specification by Steve Pepper and Graham Moore. The Participating Members of the XTM Authoring Group are listed in Annex H: Acknowledgements.
The origins of the topic maps paradigm itself date back to 1993, when it was first expressed as a working document in the context of the Davenport Group. The paradigm was more fully developed thereafter in the context of the GCA Research Institute (now known as IDEAlliance), in an activity called Conventions for the Application of HyTime, during and after which the paradigm was independently developed, implemented, and promulgated. Early in 2000, after several years of continuous effort by an international group of individuals, the topic map paradigm was fully formalized for the first time as an ISO International Standard, ISO/IEC 13250:2000. Almost immediately thereafter, TopicMaps.Org was founded in order to develop the applicability of the paradigm to the World Wide Web, and to realize its enormous potential to improve the findability and manageability of information.
The design goals for XTM are:
This specification, together with XML 1.0 for markup syntax [XML], XLink 1.0 for linking syntax [XLink], XML Base for base URI resolution [XML Base], and the IETF URI specification [RFC 2396] (as updated by [RFC 2732]), provides all the information necessary to understand XTM 1.0 and create conforming topic map documents.
This version of the XTM specification and its associated materials may be distributed freely, as long as all text and legal notices remain intact.
The terminology used to describe XTM documents is defined in the body of this specification and its annexes. The terms defined in this section are used in building those definitions.
An information resource whose identity is computable (that is, a computer system can retrieve the resource and make deterministic comparisons between it, and some other resource, to establish their identity or difference). An example of an addressable information resource is the online version of this document. In this specification, the term resource is used synonymously with addressable information resource unless otherwise stated.
An addressable information resource, considered as a subject in and of itself, and not considered in terms of what an author meant by it. The identity of an addressable subject is by definition directly computable. (Cf. non-addressable subject.)
See also variant name.
See topic characteristic.
A topic map in which there is one topic per subject and no further opportunities for merging or duplicate suppression, as defined in Annex F: XTM Processing Requirements.
The rules governing all forms of merging are given in Annex F: XTM Processing Requirements.
A subject that exists outside the bounds of the computer system and whose identity is therefore not computable. Examples of non-addressable subjects include William Shakespeare, the play Hamlet and its 1604-05 edition, the character Hamlet, the concept of vengeance, the organization Shakespeare & Company, etc. The identity of a non-addressable subject may only be established indirectly, for example through the use of a subject indicator.
The collection of topics, associations, and scopes which have been processed by the XTM processing application as defined in Annex F: XTM Processing Requirements.
The requirements on processing performed by a conforming XTM processor as defined in Annex F: XTM Processing Requirements.
A subject indicator that is published and maintained at an advertised address for the purpose of facilitating topic map interchange and mergeability.
The act of creating a topic. When anything is reified it becomes the subject of the topic thus created; to reify something is therefore to create a topic of which that thing is the subject. Reification of a subject allows topic characteristics to be assigned to the topic that reifies it: In other words, it makes it possible to discourse about that subject within the terms of the topic map paradigm.
The role that a topic plays as a member of an association; the nature of its involvement in that association.
See also unconstrained scope.
This specification places no constraints on how applications interpret scope.
See also subject identity, subject indicator.
A resource that is intended by the topic map author to provide a positive, unambiguous indication of the identity of a subject. There are three ways of indicating a subject in a topic map:
The subject indicated by a subject indicator may be either non-addressable or addressable. (Note that in case 3, the subject is necessarily addressable, since it is a resource.)
One of the following:
A topic's names, occurrences, and roles played in associations are collectively known as its characteristics.
See also topic name, topic occurrence, and role.
The act of asserting that a given topic has a particular characteristic. Such assertions are deemed to be valid within a certain scope.
A document that contains one or more topic maps that conform to this specification. It may be serialized for the purpose of storage or interchange in a syntax governed by this or some other specification.
An object (in the system's internal representation of a topic map) that represents a topic, association, or scope.
The constraint, imposed by the topic map paradigm, that any topics having the same base name in the same scope implicitly refer to the same subject and therefore should be merged.
A resource containing information that is specified as relevant to a given subject. In order to be expressed in an XTM topic map, such a resource must either
The absence of a specified scope in the assignment of a topic characteristic.
See variant name.
An alternative form of a base name, optimized for a particular computational purpose, such as sorting or display.
A topic map document that is expressed in the syntax defined by this specification.
This section describes concepts necessary to understand the constructs of XML Topic Maps (XTM).
The purpose of a topic map is to convey knowledge about resources through a superimposed layer, or map, of the resources. A topic map captures the subjects of which resources speak, and the relationships between subjects, in a way that is implementation-independent.
The key concepts in topic maps are topics, associations, and occurrences.
A topic is a resource within the computer that stands in for (or “reifies”) some real-world subject. Examples of such subjects might be the play Hamlet, the playwright William Shakespeare, or the “authorship” relationship.
Topics can have names. They can also have occurrences, that is, information resources that are considered to be relevant in some way to their subject. Finally, topics can participate in relationships, called associations, in which they play roles as members.
Thus, topics have three kinds of characteristics: names, occurrences, and roles played as members of associations. The assignment of such characteristics is considered to be valid within a certain scope, or context.
Topic maps can be merged. Merging can take place at the discretion of the user or application (at runtime), or may be indicated by the topic map's author at the time of its creation.
The following section provides a gentle introduction using a simple example taken from the domain of encyclopedia publishing. It is followed by a more detailed overview of topic map concepts. For a list of the XML element types declared in a topic map, see Section 3.1, Introduction to XTM Syntax.
As a way of making concrete the use of the topic map notation defined in this specification, consider the following example. Let us suppose that we wish to record, in a device-independent and implementation-independent way, the kind of information about the subject matter of a document that might be included in the subject index to an encyclopedia in electronic form.
For various subjects — for example, William Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, their plays Hamlet and Volpone, and the towns of London and Stratford, among thousands of others — we will wish to record all of the locations in the encyclopedia — whether passages of text, or images, or sound recordings in a multi-media encyclopedia — where they are discussed, depicted, or mentioned. We will speak of these locations as occurrences of these subjects. Note that different occurrences may relate to their subject in very different ways, which we would like to distinguish. In-depth discussions, brief mentions, and illustrations may need to be distinguished in order to allow the users to find more quickly what they need.
The encyclopedia we are working with exists in electronic form, so every occurrence of a subject is an electronic resource, for which we can compute an address. (Without going into detail about the nature of the address, we define an address as an expression, usually short, which allows a suitable processor to locate a resource.) They are thus addressable information resources.
The playwrights William Shakespeare and Ben Jonson, by contrast, are not addressable resources: they are not electronic artifacts at all, but real human beings. In order to represent the link between an occurrence of a subject and the subject itself, we would like simply to point to each in turn and say “this location discusses this subject” (or perform the equivalent gestures in some electronic notation, by giving the address of the subject, the address of the occurrence, and describing the relation between them using markup).
Because not all subjects are electronic artifacts, however, we cannot provide an address for the subject. Instead, we provide an electronic surrogate for the subject, which (being electronic) can have an address. This surrogate we call a topic. Every topic acts as a surrogate for some subject. We say that the topic “reifies” the subject — or makes the subject “real” for the system. The creation of a topic that reifies a subject enables the system to manipulate, process, and assign characteristics to the subject by manipulating, processing, and assigning characteristics to the topic that reifies it. When we need an address for the subject, we give the address of a topic which reifies it, and acts as its surrogate within the system.
(Where it will not lead to confusion, we will sometimes use the terms topic and subject interchangeably; since each topic reifies some subject, and since for each subject we can construct a topic to reify it, the difference is not always important.)
Since our entire collection of subject-index information provides a sort of map of the encyclopedia, showing where various topics are mentioned and discussed, we call our electronic representation of the subject index a topic map.
Topics representing several of William Shakespeare's plays might look like this:
<topic id="hamlet"> <instanceOf><topicRef xlink:href="#play"/></instanceOf> <baseName> <baseNameString>Hamlet, Prince of Denmark</baseNameString> </baseName> <occurrence> <instanceOf><topicRef xlink:href="#plain-text-format"/></instanceOf> <resourceRef xlink:href=""/> </occurrence> </topic> <topic id="tempest"> <instanceOf><topicRef xlink:href="#play"/></instanceOf> <baseName> <baseNameString>The Tempest</baseNameString> </baseName> <occurrence> <instanceOf><topicRef xlink:href="#plain-text-format"/></instanceOf> <resourceRef xlink:href=""/> </occurrence> </topic>
Note: For brevity, examples of URIs in this
specification sometimes include only a fragment identifier (e.g.
above). In such cases, it is assumed that these
identifiers refer to a <topic> element elsewhere in the
same topic map with an “id” attribute value that matches the
fragment identifier.
It is often useful in thesauri and subject indexes to indicate relationships among the subjects: Hamlet and The Tempest are both examples of plays, Shakespeare is their author, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are characters in the play Hamlet, etc. In traditional reference works, these kinds of relationships are used to guide the compiler in the creation of cross references. Note that these relationships hold not among the occurrences of the subjects but among the subjects themselves; an electronic representation of them can be wholly independent of the occurrences and might be applied to very different collections of resources. The electronic representation of relationships among subjects, of course, will take the form of relationships, or associations, among the topics that reify those subjects.
An association representing the relationship between Shakespeare and the play Hamlet might look like this:
<association> <instanceOf><topicRef xlink:href="#written-by"/></instanceOf> <member> <roleSpec><topicRef xlink:href="#author"/></roleSpec> <topicRef xlink:href="#shakespeare"/> </member> <member> <roleSpec><topicRef xlink:href="#work"/></roleSpec> <topicRef xlink:href="#hamlet"/> </member> </association>
Because associations express relationships they are inherently multidirectional: If “Hamlet was written by Shakespeare”, it automatically follows that “Shakespeare wrote Hamlet”; it is one and the same relationship expressed in slightly different ways. Instead of directionality, associations use roles to distinguish between the various forms of involvement members have in them. Thus the example above may be serialized using natural language as follows: “There exists a 'written by' relationship between Shakespeare (playing the role of 'author') and Hamlet (playing the role of 'work').” Relationships may involve one, two, or more roles.
There is no intrinsic limit to the kinds of relationships among subjects which we can record in this way; for some purposes, lived in and example of will suffice; for other purposes, very different relationships among subjects will be of interest.
Because topics and their relationships can be described independently of their occurrences in any given set of information resources, it may be expected that a given set of topics may be connected, in different applications, with many different sets of information resources. Conversely, one set of information resources may be described by many different topic maps. Different topic maps may define topics for the same subject; it will be important, in practice, to be able to merge topics which denote the same subject.
At an abstract level, we can say that our encyclopedia consists of a set of addressable information resources, each of which may be located inside of some larger addressable information resource and each of which pertains to one or more subjects. Our subject index consists of the following three things:
We use the term topic map to denote any collection of such things. Note that since subjects, as we have defined them, include anything human beings want to think about, discuss, or represent in electronic form, there is no mechanical test to determine whether two subjects are identical or not, or whether two topics reify the same subject or not. Accordingly, the subjects themselves make no appearance in the formal description just given. Nor do we attempt to restrict the nature of the relationships between topics and their occurrences, or between topics and other topics. For this reason, the formalism defined here, while historically developing out of an interest in problems of subject search over bodies of disparate material in many media, may be applied to many problems far distant (or so they appear) from the problems of subject indexing for encyclopedias. The terminology continues to reflect the historical origins of the terms, in the interests of clarity and concreteness.
Note that since electronic resources of any kind can themselves become the objects of our attention, they may also be treated as topics. (A picture depicting William Shakespeare, for example, is just an occurrence of the topic representing William Shakespeare, but it might also be mentioned, as a picture, in a history of art, or in a discussion of graphics formats, or in an inventory of digital resources — or in a topic map.)
This section provides a complete overview of all topic map concepts. It is based largely on the definitions in 1.3 Terminology, but uses a logical rather than alphabetical order of presentation and includes some additional explanatory material.
A topic is a resource that acts as a proxy for some subject; it is the topic map system's representation of that subject. The relationship between a topic and its subject is defined to be one of reification. Reification of a subject allows topic characteristics to be assigned to the topic that reifies it.
Each individual topic is an instance of one or more classes of topics (also known as topic types) that may or may not be indicated explicitly. The default topic type is defined by the “topic” published subject.
A subject is anything that can be spoken about or conceived of by a human being. In the most generic sense, a subject is anything whatsoever, regardless of whether it exists or has any other specific characteristics, about which anything whatsoever may be asserted by any means whatsoever. In particular, it is anything on which the author of a topic map chooses to discourse.
In order to discourse on a subject within the topic map paradigm, that subject must be reified through the creation of a topic. Subjects are thus the organizing principle of topics.
In a consistent topic map each subject is represented by just one topic. In a topic map document, on the other hand, multiple topics may reify the same subject (though preferably in such a way that they can be merged to a single topic during processing).
Most subjects exist outside the bounds of the computer system; they cannot be addressed directly and their identities are therefore not computable. Examples of such non-addressable subjects include William Shakespeare, the play Hamlet and its 1604-05 edition, the character Hamlet, the concept of vengeance, the organization Shakespeare & Company, this XTM specification, etc. The identity of non-addressable subjects can only be established indirectly, via a resource that functions as a subject indicator.
However, anything can be a subject of discourse in a topic map, including resources inside the computer, which can be addressed directly. Resources considered as subjects are called addressable subjects. An example of an addressable subject would be this specification, considered as an HTML document.
The act of creating a topic is called reification. When anything is reified it becomes the subject of the topic thus created; to reify something is therefore to create a topic of which that thing is the subject. Reification of a subject allows topic characteristics to be assigned to the topic that reifies it: In other words, it makes it possible to discourse about that subject within the terms of the topic map paradigm.
The notion of reification is at the very heart of the topic map paradigm. The only means whereby it is possible to say anything at all in a topic map is to create a topic and then assign characteristics to it. Topics are what make subjects “real” for the system and come as close as a machine can to a representation of what is “real” for humans.
Since anything whatsoever can be a subject, reification can also be applied to objects within the topic map itself, such as associations, names, and occurrences. (For examples of how this can be done syntactically, see under <association> and <occurrence> in Section 3, XTM Syntax Documentation.) This makes it possible both to apply the power of the topic map paradigm to topic maps themselves, and to enable multiple levels of knowledge representation within one and the same map, including making assertions about assertions.
Subject identity is the means whereby it can be established which subject is reified by a particular topic. When two topics have the same subject identity, they are considered to be “about” the same thing, and must therefore be merged. Because of the need to be able to merge topic maps — in effect, to interchange their semantics — the topic map paradigm goes to great lengths to make it possible to establish the identity of a topic (and hence its subject) as robustly as possible.
Subject identity can be established in one of two ways:
A subject indicator is a resource that is intended by the topic map author to provide a positive, unambiguous indication of the identity of a subject. When two topics use the same resource to indicate their subject, they are by definition “about” the same thing, and must therefore be merged during processing.
Since subject identity forms the basis for merging topic maps and interchanging semantics, authors are encouraged to always indicate the subject identity of their topics in the most robust manner possible, in particular through the use of standardized ontologies expressed as published subject indicators.
Since one and the same subject may be indicated in many ways, it is possible for two topics that reify the same subject to use different subject indicators and therefore not be merged. Situations like this may be avoided through the use of a third topic (in the same or another topic map document) that establishes its identity through both subject indicators. Thus topic maps may be used for mediating between ontologies.
Anything that may be asserted about a topic in the topic map paradigm is known as a characteristic of that topic. Characteristics can be one of the following:
The assignment of such characteristics is considered to be valid within a certain scope, or context.
Scope specifies the extent of the validity of a topic characteristic assignment. It establishes the context in which a name or an occurrence is assigned to a given topic, and the context in which topics are related through associations. Every characteristic has a scope, which may be specified either explicitly, as a set of topics, or implicitly, in which case it is known as the unconstrained scope. Assignments made in the unconstrained scope are always valid.
Scope is considered to establish a namespace for the base names of topics. This leads to the constraint, imposed by the topic map paradigm, called the topic naming constraint, that any topics having the same base name in the same scope implicitly refer to the same subject and therefore should be merged. With the exception of this constraint, the interpretation of a characteristic's scope and its effect on processing is left to the application and is in no way constrained by this specification.
A topic may have zero or more names, each of which is considered to be valid within a certain scope (which may be the unconstrained scope).
Each name may exist in multiple forms. A name always has exactly one base form, known as the base name, and it may, in addition, have one or more variants for use in specific processing contexts.
A base name is the base form of a topic name; it is always a string. When an application chooses to use a particular topic name to label a topic, the base name provides the string for the application to use unless a variant exists that is deemed to be more apposite in the processing context.
Base names are subject to the topic naming constraint, which prohibits a processed topic map from containing multiple topics with the same base name in the same scope.
A variant name is an alternative form of a base name, that is optimized for a particular computational purpose, such as sorting or display. It may be any kind of a resource, including a string. An application chooses among variant names by evaluating their parameters.
Parameters are information, in the form of a set of topics, that expresses the appropriate processing context for a variant name. Having selected a particular topic name, an application may choose to examine the parameters of its variants (if any) in order to select the most suitable form of that name.
An occurrence is any information that is specified as being relevant to a given subject. Occurrences constitute one of the three kinds of characteristic that can be assigned to a topic and are therefore governed by scope. Each individual occurrence is an instance of a single class of occurrence (also known as an occurrence type) that may or may not be indicated explicitly. The default occurrence type is defined by the “occurrence” published subject.
In order to be expressed in an XTM topic map, such occurrences must be resources that are either
The latter (resource data) provides a useful way of expressing a short piece of information about a subject (e.g. a work's date of composition).
An association is a relationship between one or more topics, each of which plays a role as a member of that association. The roles a topic plays in associations are among the characteristics that can be assigned to it and are therefore governed by scope. Each individual association is an instance of a single class of association (also known as an association type) that may or may not be indicated explicitly. The default association type is defined by the “association” published subject.
There is no directionality inherent in an association. (Associations describe relationships: If A is related to B, then B must also be related to A. The issue is rather, what is the type of the relationship, and what roles are played by its members. The question of how to label a relationship is one of naming, not direction.)
A member is a set of topics that play a particular role in an association.
The concept of role expresses the nature of a topic's involvement as a member of an association.
Class-instance is a class of association that expresses class-instance relationships between topics that play the roles of class and instance respectively. The subjects “class-instance”, “class”, and “instance” are all defined by published subject indicators (PSIs) published in this specification.
Superclass-subclass is a class of association that expresses superclass-subclass relationships between topics that play the roles of superclass and subclass respectively. The subjects “superclass-subclass”, “superclass”, and “subclass” are all defined by PSIs published in this specification.
A topic map is a collection of topics, associations, and scopes (collectively called topic map nodes) that may exist in one of two forms:
The purpose of a topic map is to convey knowledge about resources through a superimposed layer, or map, of the resources. A topic map captures the subjects of which resources speak, and the relationships between resources, in a way that is implementation-independent.
Topic map nodes are objects in the system's internal representation of a topic map that represent topics, associations, and scopes.
A consistent topic map is one in which there is one topic per subject and no further opportunities for merging or duplicate suppression, as defined in Annex F: XTM Processing Requirements.
A topic map document is a document that contains one or more topic maps that conform to this specification. It may be serialized for the purpose of storage or interchange in a syntax governed by this or some other specification.
An XTM document is a topic map document that is expressed in the syntax defined by this specification.
A published subject is any subject for which a subject indicator has been made available for public use and is accessible online via a URI. A published subject indicator is therefore any resource that has been published in order to provide a positive, unambiguous indication of the identity of a subject for the purpose of facilitating topic map interchange and mergeability.
Certain subjects are necessary for, intrinsic to, and therefore published in this specification. Various constraints imposed by this specification are expressed in terms of these published subjects, including the default class of topics, associations, and occurrences, and the equivalence between the use of <instanceOf> and an association of type class-instance in the unconstrained scope.
The Published Subject Indicators provided by this specification for the XTM mandatory subjects are briefly identified in this section. The brief descriptions found here are referenced as subject indicators by the <topic> elements contained in the topic map found in Annex E: XTM 1.0 Core Published Subject Indicators.
The core concept of topic; the generic class to which
all topics belong unless otherwise specified.
The core concept of association; the generic class to
which all associations belong unless otherwise specified.
The core concept of occurrence; the generic class to
which all occurrences belong unless otherwise specified.
The core concept of class-instance;
the class of association that represents class-instance
relationships between topics, and that is semantically equivalent
to the use of <instanceOf> subelements.
The core concept of class; the role of class as played
by one of the members of a class-instance association.
The core concept of instance; the role of instance as
played by one of the members of a class-instance association.
The core concept of
superclass-subclass; the class of association that represents
superclass-subclass relationships between topics.
The core concept of superclass; the role of superclass
as played by one of the members of a superclass-subclass association.
The core concept of subclass; the role of subclass as
played by one of the members of a superclass-subclass association.
Suitability of a topic name for use as a
sort key; for use in the parameters of variant names.
Suitability of a topic name for display;
for use in the parameters of variant names.
The term merging covers two distinct processes:
The rules governing all forms of merging and the determination of subject identity are given in full in Annex F: XTM Processing Requirements. They can be briefly (and incompletely) stated as follows:
Two topics are always deemed to have the same subject if:
The syntax for serializing and interchanging topic map documents conforming to this specification is defined by the XML document type definition provided in Annex D: XTM 1.0 Document Type Declaration. This section provides documentation for all the element types defined in that DTD.
The following is a complete list of XTM element types in the order in which they are documented:
The <topicRef> element provides a URI reference to a topic. The target of a <topicRef> link must resolve to a <topic> element child of a <topicMap> document that conforms to this XTM specification. The target <topic> need not be in the document entity of origin.
<topicRef>s are identical to <subjectIndicatorRef>s, except for the additional constraint that they must point to <topic> elements.
Occurs in: <instanceOf>, <member>, <mergeMap>, <parameters>, <roleSpec>, <scope>, <subjectIdentity>
<!ELEMENT topicRef EMPTY >
The <topicRef> element has no content.
<!ATTLIST topicRef id ID #IMPLIED xlink:type NMTOKEN #FIXED 'simple' xlink:href CDATA #REQUIRED >
The <topicRef> element has the following attributes:
id | unique identifier for element |
xlink:type | identifies this as an XLink simple link type |
xlink:href | supplies the URI reference for this link. |
Note: See sections 5.2 and 5.4 of [XLink] for conformance and usage.
Reference to a topic with the ID “en” in the document language.xtm (this is in fact a published subject for the language English):
<topicRef xlink:href=""/>
Reference to a topic with the ID “play” that is physically located in the current document:
<topicRef xlink:href="#play"/>
For further examples, see <scope>, <instanceOf>, <variant>, <association>, and <mergeMap>.
The <subjectIndicatorRef> element provides a URI reference to a resource that acts as a subject indicator.
Occurs in: <instanceOf>, <member>, <mergeMap>, <parameters>, <roleSpec>, <scope>, <subjectIdentity>
<!ELEMENT subjectIndicatorRef EMPTY >
The <subjectIndicatorRef> element has no content.
<!ATTLIST subjectIndicatorRef id ID #IMPLIED xlink:type NMTOKEN #FIXED 'simple' xlink:href CDATA #REQUIRED >
The <subjectIndicatorRef> element has the following attributes:
id | unique identifier for element |
xlink:type | identifies this as an XLink simple link type |
xlink:href | supplies the URI reference for this link. |
Note: See sections 5.2 and 5.4 of [XLink] for conformance and usage.
Reference to a published subject indicator:
<subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href=""/>
Reference to a (fictitious) resource that indicates a subject less formally:
<subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href=""/>
For further examples, see <scope>, <instanceOf>, <subjectIdentity>.
For examples of how to use <subjectIndicatorRef> to reify topic map constructs, see <association> and <occurrence>.
The <scope> element consists of one or more <topicRef>, <resourceRef>, or <subjectIndicatorRef> elements. The union of the subjects corresponding to these elements specifies the context in which the assignment of the topic characteristic is considered to be valid.
A declaration of a topic characteristic is valid only within a scope. When a topic characteristic declaration does not specify a scope, it is valid in the unconstrained scope.
Occurs in: <baseName>, <occurrence>, <association>
<!ELEMENT scope ( topicRef | resourceRef | subjectIndicatorRef )+ >
<!ATTLIST scope id ID #IMPLIED >
The <scope> element has the following attribute:
id | unique identifier for element |
Define a scope consisting of the subject “English” using a published subject:
<scope> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href=""/> </scope>
Define a scope consisting of the topics “tragedy” and “theatre” in the current document:
<scope> <topicRef xlink:href="#tragedy"/> <topicRef xlink:href="#theatre"/> </scope>
For further examples, see <baseName>.
The <instanceOf> element specifies the class to which its parent belongs, via a <topicRef> or <subjectIndicatorRef> child element.
For the constraints on the usage of <instanceOf>, see the description of the element types that can be its parent: <topic>, <occurrence>, and <association>.
The <instanceOf> element is a syntactic shortcut for an association of a special type defined by the class-instance published subject.
Occurs in: <topic>, <occurrence>, <association>
<!ELEMENT instanceOf ( topicRef | subjectIndicatorRef ) >
<!ATTLIST instanceOf id ID #IMPLIED >
The <instanceOf> element has the following attribute:
id | unique identifier for element |
Declare that the topic with the ID “hamlet” is an instance of the topic type whose ID is “play”:
<topic id="play"> ... </topic> <topic id="hamlet"> <instanceOf> <topicRef xlink:href="#play"/> </instanceOf> </topic>
Reference a subject indicator to establish the subject of which a topic is an instance:
<topic id="hamlet"> <instanceOf> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href=""/> </instanceOf> </topic>
Reference a published subject in a public ontology to establish the subject of which a topic is an instance:
<topic id="shakespeare"> <instanceOf> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href=" topicset.iptc-topictype.xml#TopicTypes.Person"/> </instanceOf> </topic>
For further examples, see <topic>, <association>, and <occurrence>.
The <topicMap> element is the parent of all <topic>, <association>, and <mergeMap> elements in the topic map document.
The <topicMap> element is the root element from which topic map syntactical recognition is performed. The <topicMap> element can be the root of a document containing only a topic map (i.e. when it is the document element), or it can be the root of a subtree inside an XML document containing other information than the topic map itself. In the latter case, only the subtree starting with the element <topicMap> is taken into account for topic map syntactical recognition and conformance.
<!ELEMENT topicMap ( topic | association | mergeMap )* >
<!ATTLIST topicMap id ID #IMPLIED xmlns CDATA #FIXED '' xmlns:xlink CDATA #FIXED '' xml:base CDATA #IMPLIED >
The <topicMap> element has the following attributes:
id | unique identifier for element |
xmlns | namespace identifier for default XML namespace |
xmlns:xlink | namespace identifier for XLink namespace |
xml:base | reference to document base URI |
See sections 5.2 and 5.4 of [XLink]
for conformance and usage.
See section 3 of [XML Base]
for details on use of the xml:base attribute.
A <topicMap> element embedded in an XML document:
... <topicMap> <!-- topics, associations, and merge map directives go here --> </topicMap> ...
A <topicMap> element that constitutes a complete document:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE topicMap PUBLIC "-//TopicMaps.Org//DTD XML Topic Map (XTM) 1.0//EN" "file://usr/local/home/gromit/xml/xtm/xtm1.dtd"> <topicMap xmlns='' xmlns:xlink='' xml:base=''> <!-- topics, associations, and merge map directives go here --> </topicMap>
The <topic> element specifies the name and occurrence characteristics of a single topic. It has a single unique identifier, and the ability to state the class(es) of which it is an instance and the identity of the subject that it reifies.
By definition, a topic reifies only one subject. Every topic is intended to be organized around exactly one subject, even if that subject is only implicitly defined. During XTM processing, topics with identical subjects will be merged according to the rules specified in Annex F: XTM Processing Requirements.
However, a topic map document may contain multiple topic elements that reify the same subject. After processing there will only be one topic for each subject; its characteristics will be the union of the characteristics of all topics that reified that subject. (For further discussion of the merging process, see Section 2.4, Merging.)
The class(es) of which the topic is an instance are indicated via the <instanceOf> child element(s), each of which addresses either a topic or a subject indicator. If no <instanceOf> children are present, the class of the topic defaults to the class defined by the topic published subject.
A <topic> element specifies zero or more names and zero or more occurrences that are relevant to its subject. Names are declared by means of <baseName> child elements. Occurrences are specified by means of <occurrence> child elements.
Occurs in: <topicMap>
<!ELEMENT topic ( instanceOf*, subjectIdentity?, ( baseName | occurrence )* ) >
The <topic> element has the following attribute:
id | unique identifier for element |
The topic whose ID is “hamlet” is an instance of the topic type whose ID is “play”:
<topic id="hamlet"> <instanceOf> <topicRef xlink:href="#play"/> </instanceOf> <!-- base names and occurrences go here --> </topic>
For further examples, see <subjectIdentity>, <baseName>, <variant>, <association>, and <occurrence>.
The <subjectIdentity> element specifies the subject that is reified by a topic, via <resourceRef>, <subjectIndicatorRef>, and/or <topicRef> child elements.
When a topic has an addressable subject, the subject can be addressed directly via a <resourceRef> element. In that case, it is the resource itself which is considered the subject of the topic, not what the resource means or indicates. There can be only one such resource per topic.
Resources may also be subject indicators, as opposed to subjects in and of themselves. Resources are used to indicate subjects via <subjectIndicatorRef> elements, of which there may be more than one per topic.
A topic may also indicate that it has the same subject as another topic by addressing that topic via a <topicRef> element. There may be multiple such elements, each of which causes topic merging to occur.
Occurs in: <topic>
<!ELEMENT subjectIdentity ( resourceRef?, ( topicRef | subjectIndicatorRef )* ) >
<!ATTLIST subjectIdentity id ID #IMPLIED >
The <subjectIdentity> element has the following attribute:
id | unique identifier for element |
In Topic Map 1: Establish identity by referencing a published subject indicator (here, the country Denmark, as defined by the TopicMaps.Org PSIs based on ISO 3166):
<topic id="dk"> <subjectIdentity> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href=""/> </subjectIdentity> </topic>
In Topic Map 2: Establish identity by referencing a more informal ontology (here, the online version of the CIA World Factbook):
<topic id="da"> <subjectIdentity> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href=""/> </subjectIdentity> </topic>
In Topic Map 3: Declare a topic that expresses a mapping between the ISO and CIA ontologies and causes correct merging:
<topic id="denmark"> <subjectIdentity> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href=""/> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href=""/> </subjectIdentity> </topic>
The <baseName> element specifies a topic name. A topic name is represented by one string: the content of the <baseNameString> child of <baseName>. The context within which the assignment of a name to a topic is valid may be expressed using a <scope> child element. If none such is present, the scope is unconstrained and the name is always valid. A topic may have multiple base names in the same and/or multiple scopes.
Natural language discrimination between base names may be specified by a child <scope> element. (Published subjects suitable for defining such scopes can be found in XTM Language Topics, a topic map maintained by TopicMaps.Org that provides published subjects for natural languages. See Annex E: XTM 1.0 Core Published Subject Indicators.)
Base names are subject to the topic naming constraint that two topics with the same base name in the same scope implicitly reify the same subject and should therefore be merged.
Alternate forms of the topic name, optimized for computational purposes like sorting, searching, and display, are specified by <variant> elements.
Occurs in: <topic>
<!ELEMENT baseName ( scope?, baseNameString, variant* ) >
<!ATTLIST baseName id ID #IMPLIED >
The <baseName> element has the following attribute:
id | unique identifier for element |
Simple example:
<topic id="shakespeare"> <baseName> <baseNameString>William Shakespeare</baseNameString> </baseName> </topic>
Topic with multiple names in different languages, differentiated by scope (assumes the existence of topics with the IDs “en” and “da” that reify the subjects “English” and “Danish” respectively):
<topic id="denmark"> <!-- baseName for English --> <baseName> <scope><topicRef xlink:href="#en"/></scope> <baseNameString>Denmark</baseNameString> </baseName> <!-- baseName for Danish --> <baseName> <scope><topicRef xlink:href="#da"/></scope> <baseNameString>Danmark</baseNameString> </baseName> </topic>
Use of scope to avoid undesired merging due to the topic naming constraint (if the two uses of the name “Hamlet” were not scoped in different ways, these two topics would be merged):
<topic id="hamlet"> <baseName> <baseNameString>The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark</baseNameString> </baseName> <baseName> <scope><topicRef xlink:href="#play"/></scope> <baseNameString>Hamlet</baseNameString> </baseName> </topic> <topic id="character-hamlet"> <baseName> <scope><topicRef xlink:href="#character"/></scope> <baseNameString>Hamlet</baseNameString> </baseName> </topic>
Give an association type multiple names in order that associations of this type may be labeled differently depending on which role they are viewed from. The topic in this example has the default name “written by” (in the unconstrained scope); however, in the context “author” (e.g. when, in an application, what is regarded as the “current topic” plays the role of “author”), the string “author of” is deemed to provide a more appropriate base name:
<topic id="written-by"> <baseName> <baseNameString>written by</baseNameString> </baseName> <baseName> <scope><topicRef xlink:href="#author"/></scope> <baseNameString>author of</baseNameString> </baseName> </topic>
The <baseNameString> element is a string that represents the base name of its ancestor <topic> parent.
Occurs in: <baseName>
<!ELEMENT baseNameString ( #PCDATA ) >
The <baseNameString> element contains #PCDATA; it may only contain character data.
<!ATTLIST baseNameString id ID #IMPLIED >
The <baseNameString> element has the following attribute:
id | unique identifier for element |
See the <baseName> element.
The <variant> element is an alternate form of a topic's base name appropriate for a processing context specified by the variant's <parameters> child element. Among these contexts may be sorting and display.
Each <variantName> child element in the recursive structure provides a single alternate form of the base name; the processing context in which this form is considered to be appropriate is defined by the union of all the parameters at this and higher levels of the recursive structure. (In other words, parameters are inherited down the tree.) For a full description, see “Variant scope processing” in Annex F: XTM Processing Requirements.
A variant name whose parameters include the “display” or “sort” published subjects (see Section 2.3.2, XTM Mandatory Published Subject Indicators) is semantically equivalent to display names and sort names (respectively) as defined in ISO 13250.
Occurs in: <baseName>
<!ELEMENT variant ( parameters, variantName?, variant* ) >
<!ATTLIST variant id ID #IMPLIED >
The <variant> element has the following attribute:
id | unique identifier for element |
Specify an alternate form of the base name for purposes of sorting:
<topic id="shakespeare"> <baseName> <baseNameString>William Shakespeare</baseNameString> <!-- form for sorting (sort name) --> <variant> <parameters><topicRef xlink:href="#sort"/></parameters> <variantName> <resourceData>shakespeare,william</resourceData> </variantName> </variant> </baseName> </topic> ... <topic id="sort"> <subjectIdentity> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href=""/> </subjectIdentity> </topic>
The example below shows variants of the base name “Hamlet,” including alternate forms for visual and audible presentation. The variant subtree for “display” illustrates how the nesting of variants is used, and how parameters are “accumulated” down through the structure:
<topic id="hamlet"> <baseName> <baseNameString>Hamlet</baseNameString> <!-- alternative forms for display (display name) --> <variant> <parameters><topicRef xlink:href="#display"/></parameters> <!-- variant subtree for icon --> <variant> <parameters><topicRef xlink:href="#icon"/></parameters> <!-- variant subtree for large --> <variant> <parameters><topicRef xlink:href="#large"/></parameters> <variantName> <!-- effective parameters = display + icon + large --> <resourceRef xlink:href="img/hamlet64x64.png" /> </variantName> </variant> <!-- variant subtree for small --> <variant> <parameters><topicRef xlink:href="#small"/></parameters> <variantName> <!-- effective parameters = display + icon + small --> <resourceRef xlink:href="img/hamlet16x16.png" /> </variantName> </variant> </variant> <!-- variant subtree for full screen --> <variant> <parameters><topicRef xlink:href="#full-screen"/></parameters> <!-- variant subtree for VGA --> <variant> <parameters><topicRef xlink:href="#vga"/></parameters> <variantName> <!-- effective parameters = display + full-screen + vga --> <resourceRef xlink:href="img/hamlet640x480.png" /> </variantName> </variant> <!-- variant subtree for SVGA --> <variant> <parameters><topicRef xlink:href="#svga"/></parameters> <variantName> <!-- effective parameters = display + full-screen + svga --> <resourceRef xlink:href="img/hamlet800x600.png" /> </variantName> </variant> </variant> </variant> <!-- alternative form for audible delivery --> <variant> <parameters><topicRef xlink:href="#audible"/></parameters> <variantName> <!-- effective parameters = audible --> <resourceRef xlink:href="au/"/> </variantName> </variant> </baseName> </topic>
The <variantName> element provides the resource to be used as a variant of a base name. The resource may be referenced by a <resourceRef> element, or may be included directly as a <resourceData> element.
Occurs in: <variant>
<!ELEMENT variantName ( resourceRef | resourceData ) >
<!ATTLIST variantName id ID #IMPLIED >
The <variantName> element has the following attribute:
id | unique identifier for element |
See the <variant> element.
The <parameters> element consists of one or more <topicRef> or <subjectIndicatorRef> elements. The union of the subjects corresponding to these elements specifies an additional processing context in which variant names in the variant's subtree are considered to be appropriate.
Occurs in: <variant>
<!ELEMENT parameters ( topicRef | subjectIndicatorRef )+ >
<!ATTLIST parameters id ID #IMPLIED >
The <parameters> element has the following attribute:
id | unique identifier for element |
See the <variant> element.
The <association> element asserts a relationship among topics that play roles as members of the association.
The class to which an <association> belongs is specified by an <instanceOf> child element. If no such element is present, the association's class defaults to the association published subject.
The context within which the assertion made by the association is valid may be expressed using a <scope> child element. If none such is present, the scope is unconstrained and the association is always valid.
Occurs in: <topicMap>
<!ELEMENT association ( instanceOf?, scope?, member+ ) >
<!ATTLIST association id ID #IMPLIED >
The <association> element has the following attribute:
id | unique identifier for element |
There exists an association of type “written-by” between the topic “shakespeare” (playing the role of “author”) and the topic “hamlet” (playing the role of work). In other words, [the work] Hamlet was written by [the author] Shakespeare (or [the author] Shakespeare wrote [the work] Hamlet).
<association id="will-wrote-hamlet"> <instanceOf> <topicRef xlink:href="#written-by"/> </instanceOf> <member> <roleSpec> <topicRef xlink:href="#author"/> </roleSpec> <topicRef xlink:href="#shakespeare"/> </member> <member> <roleSpec> <topicRef xlink:href="#work"/> </roleSpec> <topicRef xlink:href="#hamlet"/> </member> </association>
Reify the preceding association in order to be able to assign characteristics to it:
<topic id="will-wrote-hamlet-topic"> <subjectIdentity> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="#will-wrote-hamlet"/> </subjectIdentity> <baseName> <baseNameString>Shakespeare's authorship of Hamlet</baseNameString> </baseName> <!-- occurrences may go here --> </topic>
Declare the class-instance relationship between “hamlet” and “play” using an association, instead of an <instanceOf> element (this is semantically equivalent to the first example given under <instanceOf>, above):
<association> <instanceOf> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href=""/> </instanceOf> <member> <roleSpec> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href=""/> </roleSpec> <topicRef xlink:href="#play"/> </member> <member> <roleSpec> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href=""/> </roleSpec> <topicRef xlink:href="#hamlet"/> </member> </association> <topic id="play"> ... </topic> <topic id="hamlet"> ... </topic>
The <member> element specifies all topics that play a given role in an association. The <roleSpec> element specifies the role played by these topics.
Occurs in: <association>
<!ELEMENT member ( roleSpec?, ( topicRef | resourceRef | subjectIndicatorRef )+ ) >
<!ATTLIST member id ID #IMPLIED >
The <member> element has the following attribute:
id | unique identifier for element |
See the <association> element.
The <roleSpec> element specifies the role played by a member in an association.
Occurs in: <member>
<!ELEMENT roleSpec ( topicRef | subjectIndicatorRef ) >
<!ATTLIST roleSpec id ID #IMPLIED >
The <roleSpec> element has the following attribute:
id | unique identifier for element |
See the <association> element.
The <occurrence> element specifies a resource supplying information relevant to a topic.
The class of which the occurrence is an instance is indicated via the <instanceOf> child element. If no such element is present, the occurrence type defaults to the class defined by the occurrence published subject.
The context within which the occurrence is valid may be expressed using a <scope> child element. If none such is present, the scope is unconstrained and the occurrence is always valid.
Occurs in: <topic>
<!ELEMENT occurrence ( instanceOf?, scope?, ( resourceRef | resourceData ) ) >
<!ATTLIST occurrence id ID #IMPLIED >
The <occurrence> element has the following attribute:
id | unique identifier for element |
The topic whose ID is “hamlet” has an occurrence of type “date-of-composition” whose content is the string “1600-01”, and an occurrence of type “xml-version” at the URL shown:
<topic id="hamlet"> <occurrence> <instanceOf> <topicRef xlink:href="#date-of-composition"/> </instanceOf> <resourceData>1600-01</resourceData> </occurrence> <occurrence id="hamlet-in-xml"> <instanceOf> <topicRef xlink:href="#xml-version"/> </instanceOf> <resourceRef xlink:href=""/> </occurrence> </topic>
Reify one of the preceding occurrences in order to be able to assign characteristics to it:
<topic id="hamlet-in-xml-topic"> <subjectIdentity> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="#hamlet-in-xml"/> </subjectIdentity> <baseName> <baseNameString>Jon Bosak's XML version of Hamlet</baseNameString> </baseName> <!-- occurrences may go here (e.g. commentaries on the XML version of Hamlet)--> </topic>
The <resourceRef> element provides a URI reference to a resource.
Resources may be referenced for one of the following reasons:
Occurs in: <member>, <mergeMap>, <occurrence>, <scope>, <subjectIdentity>, <variantName>
<!ELEMENT resourceRef EMPTY >
The <resourceRef> element has no content.
<!ATTLIST resourceRef id ID #IMPLIED xlink:type NMTOKEN #FIXED 'simple' xlink:href CDATA #REQUIRED >
The <resourceRef> element has the following attributes:
id | unique identifier for element |
xlink:type | identifies this as an XLink simple link type |
xlink:href | supplies the URI reference for this link. |
Note: See sections 5.2 and 5.4 of [XLink] for conformance and usage.
See the <variant>, <occurrence>, and <mergeMap>. elements.
The <resourceData> element contains information in the form of character data that may be:
Occurs in: <occurrence>, <variantName>
<!ELEMENT resourceData ( #PCDATA ) >
The <resourceData> element is declared #PCDATA, meaning that it may only contain character data.
<!ATTLIST resourceData id ID #IMPLIED >
The <resourceData> element has the following attribute:
id | unique identifier for element |
See the <variant> and <occurrence>. elements.
A <mergeMap> element references an external <topicMap> element through an xlink:href attribute containing a URI. It is a directive to merge the containing topic map and the referenced topic map according to the rules specified in Annex F: XTM Processing Requirements.
The children of <mergeMap> indicate topics that are to be added to the scopes of all characteristics originating in the referenced topic map. (The reason for modifying the scopes of the merged characteristics may be to prevent topics from merging on account of the topic naming constraint, or to distinguish between characteristics on the basis of their topic map of origin.)
Occurs in: <topicMap>
<!ELEMENT mergeMap ( topicRef | resourceRef | subjectIndicatorRef )* >
<!ATTLIST mergeMap id ID #IMPLIED xlink:type NMTOKEN #FIXED 'simple' xlink:href CDATA #REQUIRED >
The <mergeMap> element has the following attributes:
id | unique identifier for element |
xlink:type | identifies this as an XLink simple link type |
xlink:href | supplies the URI reference for this link. This is a reference to a topic map to be merged with this one at Graph creation time |
Note: See sections 5.2 and 5.4 of [XLink] for conformance and usage.
Merge the topic map “plays.xtm” with the current topic map, adding the topics “shakespeare” and “drama” (in the current topic map) to the scopes of all characteristics originating in the “plays.xtm” topic map:
<mergeMap xlink:href=""> <topicRef xlink:href="#shakespeare"/> <topicRef xlink:href="#drama"/> </mergeMap> <topic id="shakespeare"> ... </topic> <topic id="drama"> ... </topic>
Merge the “biography.xtm” topic map with the current topic map, adding that resource itself (as an addressable subject) to the scopes of all characteristics originating in the “biography.xtm” topic map. This technique allows an author to use a topic map as a subject, to scope its own topics in the merged result:
<mergeMap xlink:href=""> <resourceRef xlink:href=""/> </mergeMap>
This section sets forth the conditions under which it can be accurately claimed that documents and applications conform to the XTM Specification.
A document or application conforms to the XTM Specification only if all of the following conformance criteria are satisfied:
These conformance criteria must be applied in any program for certifying the conformance of documents and applications to the XTM Specification, and in the development of test suites and other instruments for measuring and reporting the conformance of documents and applications for which such conformance will be claimed.
Within this specification, the key words “MUST,” “MUST NOT,” “REQUIRED,” “SHALL,” “SHALL NOT,” “SHOULD,” “SHOULD NOT,” “RECOMMENDED,” “MAY,” and “OPTIONAL” are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 (see [RFC 2119]). However, for readability, these words do not appear in all uppercase letters in this specification.
XTM processing depends on [XML], [XML Names], [XLink], [XML Base], and [RFC 2396] (as updated by [RFC 2732]).
The URI reference used as the “namespace name” (in the sense specified by the W3C Recommendation Namespaces in XML [XML Names]) identifying this XTM specification is:
Applications wishing to make use of W3C namespace-aware processing for documents conforming to this XTM specification must ensure that the W3C namespace name is the above URI string.
This specification reserves use of any string which would match (('X'|'x') ('T'|'t') ('M'|'m')) for the use of this XTM specification and any related specifications produced by TopicMaps.Org.
A topic map document conforms to the XTM 1.0 Specification if and only if all of the following conditions are satisfied, in addition to those conditions listed above in “XTM Conformance Vocabulary”:
XTM markup existing in an XML document outside of a <topicMap> element is undefined by this specification.
An XTM application is any software module that:
An XTM application conforms to the XTM 1.0 Specification if and only if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
The following are specifications that this document is derived from, related to, dependent upon, or informed by:
This annex presents the XML Topic Maps Conceptual Model. The model uses a simple notation drawn from Unified Modeling Language UML object modelling notation; only the aspects used in the model (and the particular interpretations used in the model) are described here.
The notation is made up of boxes, which represent classes (kinds of things), and connections between these boxes, which represent relationships between those classes, or between instances of those classes (individual things of the kinds represented by the boxes). There are four different kinds of connections:
Line ending in hollow triangle: from subtype to
This notation can be seen most clearly in the initial “Class Hierarchy” diagram. For example, the top levels say that both “Resource” and “Non-addressable Subject” are subtypes of “Subject”. One level lower, “String” is stated to be a subtype of “Resource”. Where a type has more than one subtype, they are gathered together using a horizontal line — this does not provide any connection between the subtypes (e.g. the only relationship asserted here between “String” and “Topic” is that they are both, separately, subtypes of “Resource”.
Line optionally ending in line arrowhead: named
This can be seen in the diagram “A topic reifies a subject”: the line between “Topic” and “Subject” states that the named relationship “reifies” holds between zero or more Topics (“zero or more” is denoted by 0..*) and one Subject.
If there is an arrowhead, then this denotes that the relationship is traversible in one direction only. In this case, what is being said is that given a Topic, you can find out what Subject it reifies ... but given just a Subject, e.g. the character named “Hamlet”, there is no guarantee that you can find any Topic reifying it.
If there is no arrowhead, this denotes that there is no directionality to the relationship. This means it is possible to pass from either end to the other.
A further variation on this notation is that the ends of the connecting lines can be labeled. This can be seen in the diagram “Base name within scope”: the label “+baseNameString” next to “String” states that it is a “String” that serves as a baseNameString relative to the “Base Name”.
Finally, the connection itself may be labeled with a name between double angle brackets, indicating the nature of the relationship (e.g. <<REIFIES>>).
Line ending in black diamond: strict dependency, commonly
called ownership
This can be seen in the diagram “Base Name Within Scope”: the relationship of “Base Name” to “Topic” is such that it makes no sense to call anything a base name otherwise than as a base name of a topic.
Line ending in open diamond: a set
This can be seen in the diagram “Topic Characteristics are assigned within Scopes”: the relationship of “Topic” to “Scope” is that a Scope is a set of one of more Topics.
In this Annex, the names of classes are capitalized, as: Class.
A Subject is anything that can be spoken about or conceived of by a human being. A Resource is a Subject that has identity within the bounds of a computer system. Any other Subject is known as a Non-addressable Subject. There are many types of Non-addressable Subject. A Class is a Non-addressable Subject. Types of Resource include String, XML Element, and XML Attribute, as well as Topic Map, Topic Map Node and Topic Characteristic, and many others. Types of XML Element include <topic> Element and <association> Element, and many others. There are just three types of Topic Map Node: Topic, Association, and Scope. There are just three types of Topic Characteristic: Base Name, Occurrence, and Role.
A Subject may be an instance of zero or more Classes.
A Topic is a Resource that reifies a Subject. It is the Topic Map system's representation of the Subject. Reification of a Subject allows Topic Characteristics to be assigned to the Topic that reifies it.
A Topic can have any number of Subject Indicators. A Subject Indicator is a Resource that indicates what Subject is reified by the Topic. If the Subject is itself a Resource, there can be a direct reference from the Topic to that Resource in addition to any references there may be to Subject Indicators.
A Scope is set of Topics that defines the extent of the validity of the assignment of a Topic Characteristic to a Topic. If no Scope is specified, the Scope is deemed to be the unconstrained Scope, and the assignment is always valid.
A Base Name is a String that is used to name a Topic within a Scope. Only one Topic may be assigned a particular Base Name within a given Scope. The set of Base Names assigned within a given Scope thus constitutes a namespace, and may be used to identify Topics unambiguously.
An Association relates Topics to one another. It comprises one or more Roles, each of which corresponds to a Topic that specifies a type of involvement that Topics may have in the Association. Each Role is assigned to zero or more Topics that are involved in the Association in the way specified. These Topics are said to be players of that Role in the Association.
NOTE: In XTM, it is not permissible for the different Roles in an Association to be governed by different Scopes. The XTM syntax expresses the Scopes on all the Roles of an Association through a single <scope> subelement of the <association> element.
A Topic Map comprises zero or more Topic Map Nodes (Topics, Scopes, and Associations). It is possible for more than one Topic in the Topic Map to reify the same Subject. If no Subject is reified by more than one Topic in the Topic Map, then the Topic Map is said to be a Consistent Topic Map.
The XTM Conceptual Model and its Interchange Syntax do not map to one another directly through a one-to-one correspondence between syntactic constructs and objects in the Conceptual Model. There are several ways in which objects described by the Conceptual Model may relate to constructs in the XTM Interchange Syntax:
The ways in which the constructs in the Interchange Syntax relate to the objects in the Conceptual Model are specified in the prose descriptions of the syntactic constructs in Section 3, XTM Syntax Documentation. A more formal specification of these relationships is under development and will be published in a subsequent document from TopicMaps.Org.
Note: In the online version of this DTD, the element type name of each element declaration links to documentation in this specification. Element type names in content models link to their respective declarations in the DTD.
<!-- ............................................................. --> <!-- XML Topic Map DTD .......................................... --> <!-- file: xtm1.dtd --> <!-- XML Topic Map (XTM) DTD, Version 1.0 This is XTM, an XML interchange syntax for ISO 13250 Topic Maps. XML Topic Map (XTM) Copyright 2000-2001 TopicMaps.Org, All Rights Reserved. Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute the XTM DTD and its accompanying materials for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph appear in all copies. The copyright holders make no representation about the suitability of the DTD for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied warranty. Editors: Steve Pepper <> Graham Moore <> Authors: Murray Altheim <> Michel Biezunski <> Sam Hunting <> Steven R. Newcomb <> Status: Release Version: v1.0.1 Revision: $Id: xtm1.dtd,v 1.2 2001/02/08 16:03:12 pepper Exp $ PublicId: "-//TopicMaps.Org//DTD XML Topic Map (XTM) 1.0//EN" Revisions: #2001-01-21: removed baseName from occurrence #2001-02-02: made variantName optional in variant #2001-02-02: changed ID to #IMPLIED on association #2001-02-02: changed ID to #IMPLIED on resourceData #2001-02-02: changed PLUS to REP on member --> <!-- Use this URI to identify the default XTM namespace: "" Used to identify the XLink namespace: "" --> <!-- topicMap: Topic Map document element ........................ --> <!ELEMENT topicMap ( topic | association | mergeMap )* > <!ATTLIST topicMap id ID #IMPLIED xmlns CDATA #FIXED '' xmlns:xlink CDATA #FIXED '' xml:base CDATA #IMPLIED > <!-- topic: Topic element ........................................ --> <!ELEMENT topic ( instanceOf*, subjectIdentity?, ( baseName | occurrence )* ) > <!ATTLIST topic id ID #REQUIRED > <!-- instanceOf: Points To a Topic representing a class .......... --> <!ELEMENT instanceOf ( topicRef | subjectIndicatorRef ) > <!ATTLIST instanceOf id ID #IMPLIED > <!-- subjectIdentity: Subject reified by Topic ................... --> <!ELEMENT subjectIdentity ( resourceRef?, ( topicRef | subjectIndicatorRef )* ) > <!ATTLIST subjectIdentity id ID #IMPLIED > <!-- topicRef: Reference to a Topic element ...................... --> <!ELEMENT topicRef EMPTY > <!ATTLIST topicRef id ID #IMPLIED xlink:type NMTOKEN #FIXED 'simple' xlink:href CDATA #REQUIRED > <!-- subjectIndicatorRef: Reference to a Subject Indicator ....... --> <!ELEMENT subjectIndicatorRef EMPTY > <!ATTLIST subjectIndicatorRef id ID #IMPLIED xlink:type NMTOKEN #FIXED 'simple' xlink:href CDATA #REQUIRED > <!-- baseName: Base Name of a Topic .............................. --> <!ELEMENT baseName ( scope?, baseNameString, variant* ) > <!ATTLIST baseName id ID #IMPLIED > <!-- baseNameString: Base Name String container .................. --> <!ELEMENT baseNameString ( #PCDATA ) > <!ATTLIST baseNameString id ID #IMPLIED > <!-- variant: Alternate forms of Base Name ....................... --> <!ELEMENT variant ( parameters, variantName?, variant* ) > <!ATTLIST variant id ID #IMPLIED > <!-- variantName: Container for Variant Name ..................... --> <!ELEMENT variantName ( resourceRef | resourceData ) > <!ATTLIST variantName id ID #IMPLIED > <!-- parameters: Processing context for Variant .................. --> <!ELEMENT parameters ( topicRef | subjectIndicatorRef )+ > <!ATTLIST parameters id ID #IMPLIED > <!-- occurrence: Resources regarded as an Occurrence ............. --> <!ELEMENT occurrence ( instanceOf?, scope?, ( resourceRef | resourceData ) ) > <!ATTLIST occurrence id ID #IMPLIED > <!-- resourceRef: Reference to a Resource ........................ --> <!ELEMENT resourceRef EMPTY > <!ATTLIST resourceRef id ID #IMPLIED xlink:type NMTOKEN #FIXED 'simple' xlink:href CDATA #REQUIRED > <!-- resourceData: Container for Resource Data ................... --> <!ELEMENT resourceData ( #PCDATA ) > <!ATTLIST resourceData id ID #IMPLIED > <!-- association: Topic Association ............................. --> <!ELEMENT association ( instanceOf?, scope?, member+ ) > <!ATTLIST association id ID #IMPLIED > <!-- member: Member in Topic Association ......................... --> <!ELEMENT member ( roleSpec?, ( topicRef | resourceRef | subjectIndicatorRef )* ) > <!ATTLIST member id ID #IMPLIED > <!-- roleSpec: Points to a Topic serving as an Association Role .. --> <!ELEMENT roleSpec ( topicRef | subjectIndicatorRef ) > <!ATTLIST roleSpec id ID #IMPLIED > <!-- scope: Reference to Topic(s) that comprise the Scope ........ --> <!ELEMENT scope ( topicRef | resourceRef | subjectIndicatorRef )+ > <!ATTLIST scope id ID #IMPLIED > <!-- mergeMap: Merge with another Topic Map ...................... --> <!ELEMENT mergeMap ( topicRef | resourceRef | subjectIndicatorRef )* > <!ATTLIST mergeMap id ID #IMPLIED xlink:type NMTOKEN #FIXED 'simple' xlink:href CDATA #REQUIRED > <!-- end of XML Topic Map (XTM) 1.0 DTD -->
Note: In the online version of this topic map, the unique identifier (“id”) of each topic or association element links to documentation in this specification.
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE topicMap PUBLIC "-//TopicMaps.Org//DTD XML Topic Map (XTM) 1.0//EN" "xtm1.dtd"> <topicMap id="xtm1.0-psi-core" xmlns="" xml:base=""> <!-- XTM 1.0 Core Published Subject Indicators (PSIs) XML Topic Map (XTM) Copyright 2000-2001 TopicMaps.Org, All Rights Reserved. Permission to use this document for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted to the public in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph appear in all copies. The copyright holders make no representation as to its suitability for any purpose. It is provided "as is" and without expressed or implied warranty. Editors: Steve Pepper <> Graham Moore <> Status: Final Version: v1.0 Revision: $Id: core.xtm,v 1.3 2001/02/21 21:27:27 pepper Exp $ PublicId: "-//TopicMaps.Org//DOCUMENT XTM 1.0 Core Published Subject Indicators//EN" Revisions: #2000-12-03: added comments from XTM 1.0 Core #2001-02-01: major revision to align with Paris decisions #2001-02-01: turned descriptions into occurrences and subject indicators --> <!-- XTM Published Subject Indicators The topic elements in this document are designed to serve as published subject indicators for topics declared in other topic maps whose subjects are the same as the subjects of these topic elements. In the referencing topic maps, the addresses used to refer to these topic elements must use the unique identifiers (i.e. the "URI" values indicated within the occurrences) of these elements, because their unique identifiers are permanent; their relative positions in the document are not necessarily permanent. Addressing may use indirection via a topic element. TopicMaps.Org reserves the right to enhance the usefulness of these published subject indicators, and to provide additional published subject indicators, but only in ways that will not negatively impact the value or usefulness of any existing conforming topic map documents. The subjects of these published subject indicators are described in the XTM 1.0 Specification as "mandatory," that is, conforming applications must be capable of supporting the use of these subjects as described in the XTM 1.0 Specification. The subject indicators referenced by these topic elements are the portions of the XTM 1.0 Specification that provide their normative descriptions. Other topic maps should normally use these topic elements as the identity points of these subjects, rather than the subject indicators that they themselves reference. These topic elements may be edited, at some future date, in such a way as to provide additional subject indicators that will refer to any portions of future versions of the XTM Specification that describe the same subject. --> <!-- begin: XTM core concepts --> <topic id="topic"> <subjectIdentity> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="index.html#psi-topic"/> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="#psi-topic-description"/> </subjectIdentity> <baseName><scope><topicRef xlink:href="language.xtm#en"/></scope> <baseNameString>topic</baseNameString> </baseName> <occurrence> <resourceData id="psi-topic-description"> Topic: The core concept of topic; the generic class to which all topics belong unless otherwise specified. URI: </resourceData> </occurrence> </topic> <topic id="association"> <subjectIdentity> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="index.html#psi-association"/> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="#psi-association-description"/> </subjectIdentity> <baseName><scope><topicRef xlink:href="language.xtm#en"/></scope> <baseNameString>association</baseNameString> </baseName> <occurrence> <resourceData id="psi-association-description"> Association: The core concept of association; the generic class to which all associations belong unless otherwise specified. URI: </resourceData> </occurrence> </topic> <topic id="occurrence"> <subjectIdentity> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="index.html#psi-occurrence"/> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="#psi-occurrence-description"/> </subjectIdentity> <baseName><scope><topicRef xlink:href="language.xtm#en"/></scope> <baseNameString>occurrence</baseNameString> </baseName> <occurrence> <resourceData id="psi-occurrence-description"> Occurrence: The core concept of occurrence; the generic class to which all occurrences belong unless otherwise specified. URI: </resourceData> </occurrence> </topic> <!-- end: XTM core concepts --> <!-- begin: the class-instance relationship --> <topic id="class-instance"> <subjectIdentity> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="index.html#psi-class-instance"/> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="#psi-class-instance-description"/> </subjectIdentity> <baseName><scope><topicRef xlink:href="language.xtm#en"/></scope> <baseNameString>class-instance relationship</baseNameString> </baseName> <occurrence> <resourceData id="psi-class-instance-description"> Class-instance relationship: The core concept of class-instance; the class of association that represents class-instance relationships between topics, and that is semantically equivalent to the use of <instanceOf> subelements. URI: </resourceData> </occurrence> </topic> <topic id="class"> <subjectIdentity> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="index.html#psi-class"/> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="#psi-class-description"/> </subjectIdentity> <baseName><scope><topicRef xlink:href="language.xtm#en"/></scope> <baseNameString>class</baseNameString> </baseName> <occurrence> <resourceData id="psi-class-description"> Class: The core concept of class; the role of class as played by one of the members of a class-instance association. URI: </resourceData> </occurrence> </topic> <topic id="instance"> <subjectIdentity> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="index.html#psi-instance"/> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="#psi-instance-description"/> </subjectIdentity> <baseName><scope><topicRef xlink:href="language.xtm#en"/></scope> <baseNameString>instance</baseNameString> </baseName> <occurrence> <resourceData id="psi-instance-description"> Instance: The core concept of instance; the role of instance as played by one of the members of a class-instance association. URI: </resourceData> </occurrence> </topic> <!-- end: the class-instance relationship --> <!-- begin: the superclass-subclass relationship --> <topic id="superclass-subclass"> <subjectIdentity> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="index.html#psi-superclass-subclass"/> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="#psi-superclass-subclass-description"/> </subjectIdentity> <baseName><scope><topicRef xlink:href="language.xtm#en"/></scope> <baseNameString>superclass-subclass relationship</baseNameString> </baseName> <occurrence> <resourceData id="psi-superclass-subclass-description"> Superclass-subclass relationship: The core concept of superclass-subclass; the class of association that represents superclass-subclass relationships between topics. URI: </resourceData> </occurrence> </topic> <topic id="superclass"> <subjectIdentity> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="index.html#psi-superclass"/> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="#psi-superclass-description"/> </subjectIdentity> <baseName><scope><topicRef xlink:href="language.xtm#en"/></scope> <baseNameString>superclass</baseNameString> </baseName> <occurrence> <resourceData id="psi-superclass-description"> Superclass: The core concept of superclass; the role of superclass as played by one of the members of a superclass-subclass association. URI: </resourceData> </occurrence> </topic> <topic id="subclass"> <subjectIdentity> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="index.html#psi-subclass"/> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="#psi-subclass-description"/> </subjectIdentity> <baseName><scope><topicRef xlink:href="language.xtm#en"/></scope> <baseNameString>subclass</baseNameString> </baseName> <occurrence> <resourceData id="psi-subclass-description"> Subclass: The core concept of subclass; the role of subclass as played by one of the members of a superclass-subclass association. URI: </resourceData> </occurrence> </topic> <!-- end: the superclass-subclass relationship --> <!-- begin: variant name parameter concepts --> <topic id="sort"> <subjectIdentity> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="index.html#psi-sort"/> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="#psi-sort-description"/> </subjectIdentity> <baseName><scope><topicRef xlink:href="language.xtm#en"/></scope> <baseNameString>suitability for sorting</baseNameString> </baseName> <occurrence> <resourceData id="psi-sort-description"> Suitability for sorting: Suitability of a topic name for use as a sort key; for use in the parameters of variant names. URI: </resourceData> </occurrence> </topic> <topic id="display"> <subjectIdentity> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="index.html#psi-display"/> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="#psi-display-description"/> </subjectIdentity> <baseName><scope><topicRef xlink:href="language.xtm#en"/></scope> <baseNameString>suitability for display</baseNameString> </baseName> <occurrence> <resourceData id="psi-display-description"> Suitability for display: Suitability of a topic name for display; for use in the parameters of variant names. URI: </resourceData> </occurrence> </topic> <!-- end: variant name parameter concepts --> <!-- end of XTM 1.0 Core Published Subject Indicators (PSIs) --> </topicMap>
This annex describes the minimal requirements for a conformant XTM processor. At a minimum an XTM processor is required to be capable of processing one or more topic map documents into an internal model which represents the topic map information contained in those documents in such a manner that a consistent topic map is accessible by clients of the processor.
The XTM processing requirements are stated in terms of:
The following equality statements define the rules by which a conformant XTM processor is required to determine the equality of topic map constructs.
A conformant XTM processor is required to be capable of comparing two strings for equality. Before any comparison occurs, a compliant XTM processor must transcode all strings into Unicode/ISO 10646. Given this transcoding, two strings are considered equal if they are encoded as identical sequences of scalar values. A conformant XTM processor application may apply additional algorithms for determining string equality.
A conformant XTM processor must consider two URIs to be equal if they are found to be equal using the rules defined for the appropriate URI scheme.
Section 6 of RFC 2396 provides the general definition of how 2 URIs are deemed to be equal. Below is a set of references to URI schemes that a conformant XTM processor must support:
In a consistent topic map a conformant XTM processor must consider two scopes equal if they contain the same set of topics.
A conformant XTM processor must considrer two associations to be equal if the following are true:
Two base names are considered equal if the following are true:
Variant Names are ignored when deciding if two names are equal.
Two topic occurrences are considered equal if the following are true:
In the case of <resourceRef> elements, the URIs used to address the occurrences are equivalent as defined by the URI equality principle; or
In the case of <resourceData> elements, the resource data values that are the occurrences are equal. (Before any comparison of values occurs, an XTM processor must transcode all strings into Unicode/ISO 10646. Given this, two resource data values are considered equal if they are encoded as identical sequences of scalar values.)
Equivalence principles state the different ways in which the same topic map nodes may be conveyed by different syntactic representations. A conformant XTM processor is required to recognise all equivalent syntactic representations of topic map constructs, as listed in this section and process them in such a way that in the processed topic map it is undetectable which syntactic representations were used.
A <subjectIndicatorRef> element which references topic A may be equivalently expressed by a <topicRef> element which also references topic A.
A <subjectIndicatorRef> element that references a resource other than a topic may be equivalently expressed by a <topicRef> element that refers to a topic which regards the resource as a subject indicator.
An <instanceOf> element expresses a relationship between the <topic>, T, referenced from the child element of the <instanceOf> element and the <topic>, <association> or <occurrence> which is the parent element of the <instanceOf> element.
This relationship may be equivalently expressed by an <association> that is an instance of the published subject “class-instance” and which has two roles in the unconstrained scope — the “class” role and the “instance” role. The player of the “class” role is the topic T. If the parent element of <instanceOf> is a <topic> element then the player of the “instance” role is the topic represented by that <topic> element. If the parent element of <instanceOf> is not a <topic> element, then the player of the “instance” role is a topic which reifies the association or occurrence represented by that parent element.
If an <association> is used to express a “class-instance” relationship it is a reportable XTM Error if any of the following are true:
An association containing multiple members, M1 and M2 of the same role R may be equivalently defined by an association containing a single member M3 of role R whose set of players is the union of the sets of players of role R in members M1 and M2.
The processing context of a variant name defined by a <variant> element is defined as the union of the parameters of the <variant> element and all of its ancestor <variant> elements.
Thus a variant name with a set of parameters is equivalent to having the same set of parameters on a parent variant and having no additional parameters itself.
It is a Reportable XTM Error if:
<topicMap> <topic id="t34"> <baseName> <baseNameString>Hamlet</baseNameString> </baseName> <occurrence> <resourceRef xlink:href="" /> </occurrence> </topic> <topic id="t35"> <baseName> <baseNameString>Hamlet</baseNameString> </baseName> <baseName> <baseNameString>The Prince Of Denmark</baseNameString> </baseName> <occurrence> <resourceRef xlink:href="" /> </occurrence> </topic> <association> <member> <roleSpec><topicRef xlink:href="#t-play"/></roleSpec> <topicRef xlink:href="#t-hamlet" /> </member> <member> <roleSpec><topicRef xlink:href="#t-character"/></roleSpec> <topicRef xlink:href="#t34" /> </member> </association> <association> <member> <roleSpec><topicRef xlink:href="#t-play"/></roleSpec> <topicRef xlink:href="#t-hamlet" /> </member> <member> <roleSpec><topicRef xlink:href="#t-character"/></roleSpec> <topicRef xlink:href="#t35" /> </member> </association> </topicMap>After:
<topicMap> <!-- Note that the topics are merged and as a result of this the association duplicate redundancy rule is invoked. This removes the now duplicate association. --> <topic id="t36"> <baseName> <baseNameString>Hamlet</baseNameString> </baseName> <baseName> <baseNameString>The Prince Of Denmark</baseNameString> </baseName> <occurrence> <resourceRef xlink:href="" /> </occurrence> <occurrence> <resourceRef xlink:href="" /> </occurrence> </topic> <association> <member> <roleSpec><topicRef xlink:href="#t-play"/></roleSpec> <topicRef xlink:href="#t-hamlet" /> </member> <member> <roleSpec><topicRef xlink:href="#t-character"/></roleSpec> <topicRef xlink:href="#t36" /> </member> </association> </topicMap>
Two topics A and B exist in topic map M such that:
<topicMap> <topic id="t1"> <subjectIdentity> <resourceRef xlink:href="" /> </subjectIdentity> <baseName> <baseNameString>TopicMaps.Org web-site</baseNameString> </baseName> </topic> <topic id="t2"> <subjectIdentity> <resourceRef xlink:href="" /> </subjectIdentity> <baseName> <baseNameString>The Web-site of TopicMaps.Org</baseNameString> </baseName> </topic> </topicMap>After:
<topicMap> <topic id="t3"> <subjectIdentity> <resourceRef xlink:href="" /> </subjectIdentity> <baseName> <baseNameString>TopicMaps.Org web-site</baseNameString> </baseName> <baseName> <baseNameString>The Web-site of TopicMaps.Org</baseNameString> </baseName> </topic> </topicMap>
<topicMap> <topic id="t1"> <subjectIdentity> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="" /> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="" /> </subjectIdentity> <baseName> <baseNameString>Hamlet</baseNameString> </baseName> </topic> <topic id="t2"> <subjectIdentity> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="" /> </subjectIdentity> <baseName> <baseNameString>The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark</baseNameString> </baseName> </topic> </topicMap>After:
<topicMap> <topic id="t3"> <subjectIdentity> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="" /> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="" /> </subjectIdentity> <baseName> <baseNameString>Hamlet</baseNameString> </baseName> <baseName> <baseNameString>The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark</baseNameString> </baseName> </topic> </topicMap>
Two topics A and B exist in topic map M such that:
The scopes S1 and S2 may be the unconstrained scope.
<topic id="t1"> <baseName> <baseNameString>Hamlet, Prince of Denmark</baseNameString> </baseName> </topic> <topic id="t2"> <baseName> <baseNameString>Hamlet, Prince of Denmark</baseNameString> </baseName> </topic>After:
<topic id="t3"> <baseName> <baseNameString>Hamlet, Prince of Denmark</baseNameString> </baseName> </topic>
<topicMap> <topic id="t1"> <baseName> <scope> <topicRef xlink:href="#shakespearean-tragedy" /> </scope> <baseNameString>Hamlet, Prince of Denmark</baseNameString> </baseName> </topic> <topic id="t2"> <baseName> <scope> <topicRef xlink:href="#shakespearean-tragedy" /> </scope> <baseNameString>Hamlet, Prince of Denmark</baseNameString> </baseName> </topic> </topicMap>After:
<topicMap> <topic id="t3"> <baseName> <scope> <topicRef xlink:href="#shakespearean-tragedy" /> </scope> <baseNameString>Hamlet, Prince of Denmark</baseNameString> </baseName> </topic> </topicMap>
Note: Any merge map directives in D are further processed according to this rule. Sets of subjects S are accumulated down the chain.
Note: Any merge map directives in M are processed according to the explicit topic map merge rule.
The reference to the subject indicator specified by U2 is removed from A.
<topic id="t1"> <subjectIdentity> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="" /> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="" /> </subjectIdentity> </topic>After:
<topicMap> <topic id="t1"> <subjectIdentity> <subjectIndicatorRef xlink:href="" /> </subjectIdentity> </topic> </topicMap>
<topicMap> <!-- definition of required topics ... --> <association id="a34"> <member> <roleSpec><topicRef xlink:href="#brother" /></roleSpec> <topicRef xlink:href="#gdm" /> <topicRef xlink:href="#ctb" /> </member> </association> <association id="a35"> <member> <roleSpec><topicRef xlink:href="#brother" /></roleSpec> <topicRef xlink:href="#gdm" /> <topicRef xlink:href="#ctb" /> </member> </association> </topicMap>After:
<topicMap> <!-- definition of required topics ... --> <association id="a34"> <member> <roleSpec><topicRef xlink:href="#brother" /></roleSpec> <topicRef xlink:href="#gdm" /> <topicRef xlink:href="#ctb" /> </member> </association> </topicMap>
<topicMap> <!-- definition of required topics ... --> <association id="a34"> <member> <roleSpec><topicRef xlink:href="#brother" /></roleSpec> <topicRef xlink:href="#gdm" /> </member> <member> <roleSpec><topicRef xlink:href="#brother" /></roleSpec> <topicRef xlink:href="#gdm" /> </member> <member> <roleSpec><topicRef xlink:href="#brother" /></roleSpec> <topicRef xlink:href="#ctb" /> </member> </association> </topicMap>After:
<topicMap> <!-- definition of required topics ... --> <association id="a34"> <member> <roleSpec><topicRef xlink:href="#brother" /></roleSpec> <topicRef xlink:href="#gdm" /> </member> <member> <roleSpec><topicRef xlink:href="#brother" /></roleSpec> <topicRef xlink:href="#ctb" /> </member> </association> </topicMap>
This annex provides a link to information describing the transformation of topic map documents conforming to ISO 13250 into XTM 1.0 syntax.
The development of XML Topic Maps (XTM) 1.0 was a team effort, led by the TopicMaps.Org Authoring Group. The editors would like to thank the following people in particular for major contributions to the editorial process:
The Participating Members of the TopicMaps.Org Authoring Group in good standing at the time of publication include:
Thanks also to Invited Guests and others who have provided valuable input into the process:
Many thanks to others who have provided comments and feedback, as well as to those organizations that have supported the development of XTM through their commitments of valuable resources.
Finally, we'd like to thank Shakespeare & Company for permission to use their web site's URL in our examples.
*founding member of TopicMaps.Org.