About this site

The main goal for this web site was to replace the outdated version with pointers to up-to-date information. This page is neither a blog nor thought to be updated very frequently. Please use the pointers to external sources to find most up-to-date information.

Help is welcome

Sometimes, URIs are not so cool as they should be (pun intended), sometimes they just don’t get updated. This has happened before and will happen again. If you find any outdated information on this page please help fixing it by notifying the maintainer. If information is missing or you want something mentioned here please provide the maintainer with material. Thanks for your support!

Website Maintainance

This website is currently maintained by Benjamin Bock from the Topic Maps Lab.

He’s available via e-mail, Twitter and some other ways you’ll surely find out if interested.

More Information

For programmers, many software libraries, called Topic Maps engines are available to use, some of which are part of complete knowledge management solutions.

Students and academics will find the Topic Maps Library useful. It includes many publications, a glossary, information about standards and more.

Many companies offer commercial services and/or consulting around Topic Maps products. The list of sponsors of TMRA is a good place to look for them. The Topic Maps Projects list gives some starting points, too.

The Standards are available through ISO. The latest versions can also be obtained at isotopicmaps.org. The most prominent standard is the Topic Maps Data Model which uses XTM 2 and CTM as serializations.